Canonical has reached one more step close to an LTS release by releasing Ubuntu 19.10 ‘Eoan Ermine’. Eoan Ermine has been released with some new features and overall system improvements.
You can upgrade from short term release to test out the new distro. Though I don’t think it’s worth upgrading from a long term release to a short term release. If you are using an Ubuntu LTS, you can install Ubuntu 19.10 in a VM and continue to use LTS distro.
What’s New In Ubuntu 19.10
Ubuntu 19.10 ‘Eoan Ermine’ will receive support for 9 months. After the support period ends, you will have to upgrade your distro.
Kernel 5.3
The news distro is based on Linux Kernel 5.3 which adds support for several new hardware including AMD Navi GPU, ARM Komeda Display, and new ARM SoCs.
GNOME 3.34
Good new for GNOME lovers. Ubuntu 19.10 is shipping with the latest of GNOME, GNOME 3.34. The new desktop has improved performance and a couple of new features. The most notable change in GNOME 3.34 is the ability to group icons in the activities overview just like a smartphone.
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gnome desktop
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GNOME 3.34 also adds improvements in the core applications such as music player, improved wallpaper and wifi settings, and the sysprof user interface has been redesigned for better monitor apps resource usage for app developers.
For more information on GNOME 3.34, watch the following video.
ZFS Filesystem support
Ubuntu 19.10 supports ZFS filesystem out of the box. You can directly create ZFS file system and partitions from the installer.
Access USB from dock
Small but a useful feature. Plugged-in USBs can be accessed directly from dock making it much easier to access for the user.
New Themes
Ubuntu users love the newly added themes Yaru and now their Light and Dark variants are also available in Eoan Ermine. One can install Gnome tweak tool to switch between the two themes.
sudo apt install gnome-tweak-tool