Ubuntu pro vs. Ubuntu: what’s the difference and which one should you choose?

Ubuntu Pro vs. Ubuntu: What’s the Difference and Which One Should You Choose?

If you’re familiar with Linux operating systems, you’ve likely heard of Ubuntu. It’s a popular choice for both personal and professional use due to its user-friendly interface and stability. However, you may have recently come across a new option: Ubuntu Pro. But what exactly is Ubuntu Pro, and how does it differ from the standard version of Ubuntu?

In this article, we’ll break down the main differences between Ubuntu and Ubuntu Pro, including their features, pricing, and target audience. Whether you’re a seasoned Linux user or a newcomer to the operating system, this article will help you determine which version of Ubuntu is best suited for your needs. So, let’s dive in and explore the world of Ubuntu Pro vs. Ubuntu!


What is Ubuntu?

Ubuntu is a free, open-source operating system based on the Linux kernel. It was first released in 2004 and has since become one of the most popular Linux distributions in the world.

Ubuntu is known for its user-friendly interface, stability, and security features. It includes a suite of pre-installed software, including the LibreOffice suite, Firefox web browser, and the Thunderbird email client. Ubuntu is available in several versions, including a desktop version for personal use, a server version for businesses, and a cloud version for cloud computing.

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Ubuntu’s desktop version has a graphical user interface (GUI) that is easy to navigate. It includes a software center that allows users to easily download and install new software. Ubuntu also has a strong community of developers and users who provide support and share knowledge through forums and online resources. Overall, Ubuntu is a great choice for both personal and professional use due to its ease of use and stability.

What is Ubuntu Pro?

Ubuntu Pro is a new version of Ubuntu that is designed for use in production environments. It includes additional security, performance, and support features that are not available in the standard version of Ubuntu. Ubuntu Pro is available on Amazon Web Services (AWS) and includes support from Canonical, the company behind Ubuntu.

One of the main differences between Ubuntu and Ubuntu Pro is that Ubuntu Pro includes a suite of advanced security features. These features include kernel live patching, which allows for security patches to be applied without rebooting the system, and extended security maintenance, which provides security updates beyond the end-of-life date of the standard Ubuntu release.

Ubuntu Pro also includes access to the Ubuntu Advantage support program, which provides 24/7 support from Canonical.

Key differences between Ubuntu and Ubuntu Pro

The main differences between Ubuntu and Ubuntu Pro are their target audience, features, and pricing. Ubuntu is designed for personal use, while Ubuntu Pro is designed for use in production environments. Ubuntu Pro includes additional security, performance, and support features that are not available in the standard version of Ubuntu.

Ubuntu Pro includes a suite of advanced security features that are not available in the standard version of Ubuntu. These features include kernel live patching, extended security maintenance, and access to the Ubuntu Advantage support program. Ubuntu Pro also includes a simplified installation process and a pre-configured image that is optimized for use in production environments.

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Ubuntu vs. Ubuntu Pro: which one should you choose?

The choice between Ubuntu and Ubuntu Pro depends on your needs and use case. If you’re a home user or small business owner, Ubuntu is likely the best choice for you. It’s free, easy to use, and includes a suite of pre-installed software. Ubuntu is also a great choice for developers who want an easy-to-use Linux distribution for development and testing.

If you’re a larger business or organization that requires additional security, performance, and support features, Ubuntu Pro may be the best choice for you.

Ubuntu Pro pricing and subscription plans

Ubuntu Pro is available on Amazon Web Services (AWS) and is priced based on the size of the instance. The pricing for Ubuntu Pro starts at $0.08 per hour for a t3.micro instance and goes up to $6.24 per hour for a r5.24xlarge instance. Ubuntu Pro is also available as a subscription, which includes ongoing support and maintenance from Canonical. The pricing for Ubuntu Pro subscriptions starts at $225 per year for a single system and goes up to $25,000 per year for 500 systems.

For personal use, Canonical also provides Ubuntu Pro for free for upto 5 machines. You can activate Ubuntu Pro with one Ubuntu account on 5 machines.

Ubuntu Pro features and benefits

As mentioned above Ubuntu Pro includes a suite of advanced security, performance, and support features that are not available in the standard version of Ubuntu. These features include:

  • Kernel live patching: Allows for security patches to be applied without rebooting the system
  • Extended security maintenance: Provides security updates beyond the end-of-life date of the standard Ubuntu release
  • Ubuntu Advantage support program: Provides 24/7 support from Canonical
  • Simplified installation process: Makes it easy to deploy Ubuntu Pro in production environments
  • Pre-configured image: Optimized for use in production environments
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Ubuntu vs. Ubuntu Pro: Performance and Security

Ubuntu Pro includes several features that improve both performance and security. Kernel live patching allows for security patches to be applied without rebooting the system, which minimizes downtime and reduces the risk of security breaches. Extended security maintenance provides security updates beyond the end-of-life date of the standard Ubuntu release, which ensures that systems remain secure and up-to-date.

In terms of performance, Ubuntu Pro includes several features that are optimized for use in production environments. These features include a simplified installation process and a pre-configured image that is optimized for use in production environments. Ubuntu Pro also includes access to the Ubuntu Advantage support program, which provides 24/7 support from Canonical.

Ubuntu Pro use cases

Ubuntu Pro is designed for use in production environments and is well-suited for a variety of use cases. Some examples of use cases for Ubuntu Pro include:

  • Web servers: Ubuntu Pro includes several features that are optimized for use as a web server, including kernel live patching and extended security maintenance.
  • Database servers: Ubuntu Pro is well-suited for use as a database server due to its performance and security features.
  • DevOps: Ubuntu Pro is a great choice for DevOps teams who require a stable and secure Linux distribution for development and testing.
  • Cloud computing: Ubuntu Pro is available on Amazon Web Services (AWS) and is optimized for use in cloud computing environments.

Ubuntu Pro vs. Ubuntu: Pros and Cons

Ubuntu Pros

  • Free and easy to use
  • User-friendly interface
  • Large community of developers and users
  • Suite of pre-installed software
  • Great choice for personal use and small businesses
  • Great choice for developers who want an easy-to-use Linux distribution for development and testing

Ubuntu Cons

  • Limited security, performance, and support features
  • Not well-suited for use in production environments

Ubuntu Pro Pros

  • Includes advanced security, performance, and support features
  • Designed for use in production environments
  • Optimized for use on Amazon Web Services (AWS)
  • Great choice for larger businesses and organizations

Activate Ubuntu Pro

Ubuntu Pro can easily be activated on standard Ubuntu version.

Prerequisites –

  • Ubuntu account
  • Internet connectivity

Log in to your Ubuntu account and head over to Ubuntu Pro dashboard.

” data-image-caption=”

Ubuntu Pro dashboard

” data-medium-file=”https://i0.wp.com/www.linuxandubuntu.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/Ubuntu-Pro-dashboard.png?fit=300%2C180&ssl=1″ data-large-file=”https://i0.wp.com/www.linuxandubuntu.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/Ubuntu-Pro-dashboard.png?fit=1024%2C613&ssl=1″ data-dominant-color=”faf9f9″ data-has-transparency=”true” style=”–dominant-color: #faf9f9;” decoding=”async” width=”1024″ height=”613″ src=”https://i0.wp.com/www.linuxandubuntu.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/Ubuntu-Pro-dashboard.png?resize=1024%2C613&ssl=1″ alt=”Ubuntu Pro dashboard ubuntu pro vs. ubuntu” class=”has-transparency wp-image-43902″ srcset=”https://i0.wp.com/www.linuxandubuntu.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/Ubuntu-Pro-dashboard.png?resize=1024%2C613&ssl=1 1024w, https://i0.wp.com/www.linuxandubuntu.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/Ubuntu-Pro-dashboard.png?resize=300%2C180&ssl=1 300w, https://i0.wp.com/www.linuxandubuntu.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/Ubuntu-Pro-dashboard.png?resize=768%2C460&ssl=1 768w, https://i0.wp.com/www.linuxandubuntu.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/Ubuntu-Pro-dashboard.png?w=1264&ssl=1 1264w” sizes=”(max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px” title=”Ubuntu Pro vs. Ubuntu: What’s the Difference and Which One Should You Choose? 1″ data-recalc-dims=”1″>

Ubuntu pro dashboard

It’ll show the token and the number of machines the subscription is active on. To activate Ubuntu pro on a new device, use the following command –

sudo pro attach token_number


Ubuntu and Ubuntu Pro are both great choices for Linux users, but they serve different needs and use cases. Ubuntu is a great choice for personal use and small businesses, while Ubuntu Pro is designed for use in production environments and includes advanced security, performance, and support features.

If you’re a home user or small business owner, Ubuntu is likely the best choice for you. If you’re a larger business or organization that requires additional security, performance, and support features, Ubuntu Pro may be the best choice for you. Regardless of which version you choose, Ubuntu remains one of the most popular and user-friendly Linux distributions in the world.

The post Ubuntu Pro vs. Ubuntu: What’s the Difference and Which One Should You Choose? appeared first on LinuxAndUbuntu.

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