I always find the Olympics to be an unusual experience. I’m hardly an athletics fanatic, yet I can’t help but get swept up in the spirit of the competition. When the Olympics took place in Paris last summer, I suddenly began rooting for my country in sports I barely knew existed. I would spend random Thursday nights glued to the TV, cheering on athletes as they skillfully let fly arrows, disks, hammers and so on.
It might have been the Olympic spirit coursing through me, or perhaps my deep fascination with data and mathematics, but at the time I found myself drawing parallels between Spark’s architecture and the world of sports. So here I am, ready to explain why Spark outranks its competitors and crosses the finish line first.
Let’s start with a general overview.
Apache Spark is an open-source, distributed processing system by the Apache Software Foundation that allows large amounts of data to be processed efficiently. Before its introduction, other tools existed, but Spark solved several performance problems related to processing large datasets, effectively becoming the number one choice in the industry. Spark was born as a project which aimed to maintain the benefits of past technology while making everything more efficient. In particular Spark was created as a direct competitor to Hadoop, a java-based open source big data software platform, and aimed to maintain the scalable, distributed, fault-tolerant data processing provided by Hadoop’s MapReduce, while boosting performance.
Let’s delve into the technicalities to understand a little more about Spark’s effectiveness.
Spark’s strength is distributed computing, meaning that when you execute your spark program, Spark will orchestrate your code across a distributed cluster of nodes. This feature is particularly useful when a significant amount of data has to be handled and is exactly what makes Spark a champion for operations on large datasets. A practical example would be IoT devices found in car models distributed all over the world. These devices collect hundreds of thousands of data points every day, from which it is necessary to extract useful information, such as the average temperature of certain components. To obtain such statistics, it is necessary to perform operations such as grouping or filtering, perhaps to remove noise from the data.
Spark’s accessibility and adaptability are direct consequences of the Spark Core, which serves as the foundation of the entire Apache Spark ecosystem, handling distributed tasks, execution, scheduling, and basic input output operations. In addition, Spark’s convenience is made possible by usability via several supported APIs, such as Java, Scala, Python and R.
Spark offers four main built-in libraries: Spark SQL, Spark Streaming, MLlib and GraphX. These libraries provide a large set of functionalities for different operations, such as data streaming, dataset handling, and machine learning:
In summary, Apache Spark is designed to make the most of distributed resources, allowing large volumes of data to be processed and analyzed quickly and at scale, like runners all crossing the finish line at the same time.
Back to the Olympics metaphor, you might want to think about Apache Spark as if it was a team made up of (usually but not exclusively) 200 players. Apache Spark’s architecture is made up of three main components: the driver, the executor, and the partitioner. The driver acts like a sports team coach, interpreting the code, creating a plan, and instructing the executors. Executors, in turn, execute these commands. Lastly, the partitioner is responsible for dividing data into smaller chunks (typically around 200 partitions), facilitating efficient and parallel computing.
From an architectural perspective, Spark utilises a manager/worker configuration. In this setup, a manager determines the number of worker nodes needed and how they should function. The worker nodes then execute tasks assigned by Spark, such as processing data streams, performing grouping, filtering, and applying business logic.
In more technical terms:
Apache Spark features a clear, structured layer architecture built around two primary abstractions:
Generally speaking, Spark’s advantage over Hadoop is speed, as Spark leverages in memory distributed computing, a more efficient model than its contender. In fact Spark is able to perform tasks up to 100 times faster than Hadoop, making it a great solution for low-latency processing use cases, such as machine learning. In the 100 meter sprint, Spark has already finished when Hadoop has barely left the starting block.
Going deeper, there are few reasons which make Spark the de facto choice in the industry for managing big data pipelines:
Not even the best athletes can reach their full potential alone; Spark performs best when it’s supported by the right technology. Deploying Spark applications on Kubernetes offers numerous advantages over other cluster resource managers, such as Apache YARN. Here are some of the main benefits:
However, using Apache’s native tools for deploying Spark on Kubernetes can be complicated. Various parameters need to be configured and various requirements need to be met in order for everything to work properly. This is where Charmed Apache Spark comes in, greatly simplifying the process by offering automation and a more intuitive management interface, effectively reducing the difficulties associated with configuring and deploying Spark on Kubernetes.
Unlike other Kubernetes operators for Apache Spark, which can complicate the user experience by requiring direct interactions with the cluster via Custom Resource Definitions (CRD) or knowledge of Helm, Charmed Spark stands out for its simplicity. Based on Juju, a unified management platform, Charmed Spark simplifies the use of advanced technologies on both cloud IaaS and Kubernetes-compatible clusters.
Charmed Spark is officially supported when deployed on MicroK8s, Canonical Charmed Kubernetes and AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS). In addition, Charmed Spark offers maintenance of the Canonical ROCKs OCI container image and the ability to subscribe to a 24/7 technical support service. Other solutions for deploying Spark on Kubernetes may not guarantee regular image maintenance or offer paid support options.
If your use case has any of the following requirements, Spark is likely to be best choice:
It is not always the case that Apache Spark and Hadoop are competing solutions, but they can also be used together depending on business needs. For example, Hadoop is ideal for batch processing, handling large volumes of data in parallel on multiple nodes, and is suitable for tasks that are not time sensitive.Many organizations decide to combine Hadoop and Spark to benefit from both the advantages of Hadoop and the in-memory processing speed of Spark.
In conclusion, Apache Spark is a powerful and flexible tool designed for processing large volumes of data efficiently using distributed computing. Spark is widely used for real-time data streaming, machine learning, and graph processing, and it can be accessed through multiple programming languages such as Java, Scala, Python, and R. By leveraging in-memory computation and a fault-tolerant system, Spark outperforms older tools like Hadoop, making it the go-to choice for big data analysis. Canonical’s Charmed Apache Spark on Kubernetes simplifies the deployment and management process, offering greater flexibility, performance, and ease of use, ensuring quick, reliable, and scalable data processing. With Spark on Kubernetes, organizations can achieve their data goals faster, with greater precision and scalability, securing their place on the podium of big data analytics.
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