Ping command in ubuntu 22. 04

Ping command in Ubuntu 22.04

In Linux-based systems such as Ubuntu 22.04, ping is a basic utility that is used to evaluate if a specific network is available or not and whether a host can be accessed or not. Moreover, you can also determine whether a server is up and running. You can also troubleshoot connectivity issues by testing your internet connection.

Based on your Ubuntu 22.04 server/desktop installation, the ping command might not be present in your system by default. Therefore, if you wish to install the ping command on your system then follow the provided guide below.

How to install Ping command in Ubuntu 22.04


The procedure of installing the ping command on Ubuntu 22.04 is very easy and the below-given step-by-step procedure demonstrates how to do that.

Step 1: Update System

It is considered to be a good practice to update and upgrade your system when you are about to install something on it. For this purpose, firstly, press “CTRL+ALT+T” to open up Ubuntu 22.04 terminal and then execute the following command:

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$ sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade


Ping command in ubuntu 22. 04 1

As you can see, our Ubuntu 22.04 system has been updated successfully.

Step 2: Install ping in Ubuntu 22.04

The “iputils-ping” package contains the ping command, therefore, you need to have this package installed on your system:

$ sudo apt install iputils-ping



Ping command in ubuntu 22. 04 2

Step 3: Verify ping installation

In the next step, we will verify the successful installation of the ping command:

$ which ping


Ping command in ubuntu 22. 04 3

Now to see if the ping command is working properly we will the remote host “”:

$ ping -c 1

Ping command in ubuntu 22. 04 4

Above-given output signifies that we have successfully pinged the mentioned remote host.


To install ping command on your system, first of all, update system repositories using this command “$ sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade”, then install the “iputils-ping” package that comprises the ping command with the “$ sudo apt install iputils-ping” command. Lastly, verify this installation by running this command “$ which ping”. This write-up demonstrated the procedure to install and use ping command in Ubuntu 22.04.

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