Categories: BlogCanonicalUbuntu

Meet the Canonical team at stackconf 2023

Date: 13-14 September,  2023

Location: Berlin, Germany

Join us for stackconf at the NH Hotel Alexanderplatz to learn about the latest developments in open source technology.  Find out how to accelerate your development and deployment cycles, and how to make your operations more robust and efficient with mature infrastructure stacks like OpenStack and Kubernetes.


You will hear from international experts with talks on topics like CI/CD, containers, DevOps, cloud and edge computing.  It is sure to be an exciting event.

Visit our booth where our team of experts will demonstrate how to use Ubuntu to reduce costs and gain competitive advantages, whether you use on-premise infrastructure, public cloud, or a mixture of both.

The future of infrastructure

What’s changing in open source? How can open source infrastructure play a role in the modern data centre? And, how can Canonical help you meet your objectives?


Scaling and complexity are the most significant challenges faced by any systems administrator or software engineer.  Open source scale out infrastructure like OpenStack, Kubernetes and Ceph present an opportunity to break free from proprietary tech and vendor lock-in.

If you are interested in how open source can be used to deliver cost-effective, reliable and scalable infrastructure, be sure to book some time with our team.

Get a discounted registration rate

We look forward to seeing you there, to register, visit the event page.  When registering, don’t forget to use the discount code UBUNTU_DISCOUNTED_TICKETS@STACKCONF2023 for 20% off!

To learn more about Canonical and Ubuntu, contact us.

Ubuntu Server Admin

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