Join us at Operator Day, hosted by Canonical at Kubecon NA 2022

What is Operator Day?

Software operators are crucial in the Kubernetes landscape. A software operator encapsulates the knowledge and expertise of a real-world operations team and codifies it into a dedicated piece of software. Software operators help human operators and administrators run their applications efficiently and effectively. Canonical provides an OSS-based platform and framework for building and running operators.

And what better place to talk about operators than KubeCon, the Cloud-Native Foundation’s flagship conference? Canonical has been hosting Operator Day at Kubecon since 2020. The fourth edition of Operator Day took place at Kubecon Europe earlier this year. We hosted various sessions about the basics behind operators, what they are, how to use them, how to create them and how your team can benefit from them. Speakers shared knowledge and insights about their software operator journey, from configuration management to application management. If you missed it, you can access everything freely on youtube.

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Join us at the 5th edition of Operator Day on Monday, October 24th!

The 5th Operator Day is coming up. It will take place at KubeCon North America 2022. This edition will center on cases where software operators have been applied successfully. Join us to hear about our experience in building software operators using Juju, an open-source operator lifecycle manager. Operators implemented for Juju are called Charmed Operators.

Operators beyond Kubernetes

Although the concept of a software operator is often associated with Kubernetes, operators can be applied to many substrates: bare metal servers, private clouds, popular public clouds and Kubernetes clusters. Juju offers a mature, consistent and intuitive user interface for integrating applications for all of these substrates, covering the entire stack.

Especially for Kubernetes solutions, applications are not isolated but are composed. As solutions become more and more complex, integrating applications is more critical than ever. Juju and Charmed Operators provide a uniform abstraction layer on top of Kubernetes clusters, bare metal and private clouds.


The 5th Operator Day will be a virtual event on Monday, October 24th in the week of KubeCon NA 2022. You can register for this event during the registration for the KubeCon and choose Operator Day in the co-located events section – or directly use this link:

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More on previous events:

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