How To Reset Lost Admin Password For Grafana

If you happen to have lost the admin password of your grafana server and have issues logging in after many tries then you have come to the right place. Here we will go over how you can reset the grafana admin password to the default login. The default admin password for grafana is admin

This comprehensive Linux guide expects that you run the following commands as root user but if you decide to run the commands as a different user then ensure that the user has sudo access and that you precede each of the privileged commands with sudo

Reset Via Granafa CLI

One way to reset grafana admin password is via the grafana cli
First we need to know where grafana homepath is and where the configuration file is located. To do this we need to check the grafana process to see these information

root@codesposts:~# pa aux | grep grafana
grafana    312  0.0  0.0 2144576 21385 ?       Ssl  11:22   1:04 /usr/sbin/grafana-server --config=/etc/grafana/grafana.ini --pidfile=/var/run/grafana/ cfg:default.paths.logs=/var/log/grafana cfg:default.paths.plugins=/var/lib/grafana/plugins cfg:default.paths.provisioning=/etc/grafana/provisioning

From the above we can see that grafana is currently running and the configuration file location is /etc/grafana/grafana.ini and the homepath is expected to be located in /usr/share/grafana
Then we can now use the grafana cli command to reset the admin password for granafa

root@codesposts:~# grafana-cli admin reset-admin-password --homepath "/usr/share/grafana" --config "/etc/grafana/grafana.ini" admin
INFO[07-05|01:20:52] Connecting to DB                         logger=sqlstore dbtype=sqlite3
INFO[07-05|01:20:52] Starting DB migration                    logger=migrator

Admin password changed successfully ✔

You will see from the above output that the admin password has now been successfully reset.

Now you can go to the grafana login url and be able to log in with

username: admin
password: admin

Reset Manually In Database

Another option is to reset the admin password manually from the grafana database which is by default sqlite3.

First we check the configuration file and search for the database being used

#################################### Paths ####################################
# Path to where grafana can store temp files, sessions, and the sqlite3 db (if that is used)
;data = /var/lib/grafana
#################################### Database ####################################
# You can configure the database connection by specifying type, host, name, user and password
# as separate properties or as on string using the url properties.

# Either "mysql", "postgres" or "sqlite3", it's your choice
;type = sqlite3
;host =
;name = grafana
;user = root
# If the password contains # or ; you have to wrap it with triple quotes. Ex """#password;"""
;password =

# Use either URL or the previous fields to configure the database
# Example: mysql://user:secret@host:port/database
;url =

# For "postgres" only, either "disable", "require" or "verify-full"
;ssl_mode = disable

# For "sqlite3" only, path relative to data_path setting
;path = grafana.db

From above we can see that the database used is sqlite3 and the database file is located at /var/lib/grafana/grafana.db
Now we connect to sqlite3 and reset the admin password manually using the sqlite3 client

root@codesposts:~# sqlite3 /var/lib/grafana/grafana.db
SQLite version 3.28.0 2019-07-04 01:12:19
Enter ".help" for instructions
Enter SQL statements terminated with a ";"

sqlite> .tables
alert                   dashboard_version       quota                
alert_notification      data_source             session               
annotation              login_attempt           star                  
annotation_tag          migration_log           tag                   
api_key                 org                     team                  
dashboard               org_user                team_member           
dashboard_acl           playlist                temp_user             
dashboard_provisioning  playlist_item           test_data             
dashboard_snapshot      plugin_setting          user                  
dashboard_tag           preferences             user_auth             

sqlite> update user set password = '59acf18b94d7eb0694c61e60ce44c110c7a683ac6a8f09580d626f90f4a242000746579358d77dd9e570e83fa24faa88a8a6', salt = 'F3FAxVm33R' where login = 'admin';

sqlite> .exit

Now you can go to the grafana login url and be able to log in with

username: admin
password: admin

The post How To Reset Lost Admin Password For Grafana appeared first on CODESPOSTS.COM.

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Author: staff

Ubuntu Server Admin

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