Categories: Ubuntu

How to Install Apache Kafka in Ubuntu 22.04

Apache Kafka is a streaming platform developed by the Apache Software foundation. The platform is open-source and distributed, and can be installed on any platform provided that it supports Java. Besides, Apache Kafka is written in Java and Scala. This guide gives a hands-on tutorial on how to install Apache Kafka in Ubuntu 22.04.

Getting Started with Apache Kafka

Before installing the Apache Kafka, you must have the Java installed and a user account with sudo privileges. Moreover, it’s recommended to have a RAM of 2GB and above for the proper running of Kafka.

The following steps will guide you on how to install the Apache Kafka.


Java is required to install Kafka. Check if your Ubuntu has a Java installed by checking the version using the following command:

$ java –version

If Java is not installed, use the following commands to install the Java OpenJDK.

$ sudo apt update

$ sudo apt install default-jdk

Creating a User Account

With Java already installed, create a non-root user account. We also need to give it some sudo privileges by adding the user to the sudo group using the following command:

$ sudo adduser linuxhint

$ sudo adduser linuxhint sudo

Log in to the newly created user account.

$ su -l linuxhint

Installing Kafka

You need to download the latest Apache Kafka from the official download page. Download its binary files using the wget command as shown in the following:

$ wget

Once the binary file is downloaded, extract it using the tar command and move the extracted directory to the /opt/kafka.

Next, create the systemd scripts for the Zookeeper and the Kafka services which help in starting and stopping the services.

Use an editor of choice to create the systemd scripts and paste the following contents. Start with the Zookeeper:

$ sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/zookeeper.service

Paste the following:


Description=Apache Zookeeper server




ExecStart=/opt/kafka/bin/ /opt/kafka/config/




Save the file. Create the systemd file for the Kafka and paste the following contents:

$ sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/kafka.service

When pasting, make sure that you set the right path for the Java that you installed in your system.


Description=Apache Kafka Server







ExecStart=/opt/kafka/bin/ /opt/kafka/config/




Once done, apply the changes by reloading the systemd daemon:

$ sudo systemctl daemon-reload

Next, enable the Zookeeper service and start it using the following commands:

$ sudo systemctl enable zookeeper

$ sudo systemctl start zookeepestrong>rstrong>

You also need to do the same for the Kafka:

$ sudo systemctl enable kafka

$ sudo systemctl start kafka

Once you start the services, you can verify their status before we create a topic in Kafka.

The good thing with Kafka is that there are multiple scripts that you can use.

Let’s create a new topic named linuxhint1 using the script with one partition and a replication. Use the following command:

$ sudo -u linuxhint /opt/kafka/bin/ –create –bootstrap-server localhost:9092 –replication-factor 1 –partitions 1 –topic linuxhint1

Note that our topic is created. We can see the previous message to verify so.

Alternatively, you can list the available topics using the –list option in the following command. It should return the topic that we created:S

$ sudo -u linuxhint /opt/kafka/bin/ –list –bootstrap-server localhost:9092

With the Kafka topic being created, you can start writing the streams data on the and check if it reflects in your

Open your shell and access the topic that we created using the as shown in the following:

$ sudo -u linuxhint /opt/kafka/bin/ –broker-list localhost:9092 –topic linuxhint1

Next, open another shell and access the Kafka topic using the

$ sudo -u linuxhint /opt/kafka/bin/ –bootstrap-server localhost:9092 –topic linuxhint1 –from-beginning

With the two shells opened, you can message on the producer console. Whatever you type is reflected in the consumer console confirming that our Apache Kafka is up and running.


With this guide, you now have all the steps that you can follow to install Apache Kafka in your Ubuntu 22.04. Hopefully, you managed to follow each step and install your Apache Kafka and create topics to run a simple consumer and producer production. You can implement the same in large production.

Ubuntu Server Admin

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