Canonical joins magma foundation

Canonical joins Magma Foundation

We at Canonical, the company behind Ubuntu, are pleased to join hands with the Magma Foundation. Magma connects the world to a faster network by providing operators an open, flexible, and extendable mobile core network solution. Its simplicity and low-cost structure empower innovators to build mobile networks that were never imagined before.

We decided to support this open source project because of our wider telco efforts. Our goal is to enable everyone to build an end-to-end private LTE or 5G based on open source tools. This is also the reason for Canonical committing efforts to projects, such as OpenRAN,


Magma architecture

We are starting with contributing our best technology pieces, and writing Juju charms for Magma, to make its deployment and Day 2 operations much easier. Magma charms allow users to deploy and manage this software on public clouds, bare metal machines, Kubernetes clusters, or OpenStack. Charms support lifecycle events, such as deploy, remove, reconfigure, or upgrade. You can also use custom actions, such as backup, restore, renew certificates, and so on. You can also use the greatest feature of charmed applications — effortless integration with the entire open source ecosystem of tools, such as logging, monitoring, alerting tools, and more.

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Magma enhanced with juju charms


This will all be available to you soon. However, if you want to check the progress or contribute to our efforts, visit

Magma is mainly used as a part of private mobile networks solutions. If you want to know the big picture you can continue reading 

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