Strong, wide-reaching regulation can bring safety to communities – but it can also bring uncertainty. The Cyber Resilience Act (CRA) has proven no exception to this universal rule. Across the open source community and the wider tech landscape, people have been greeting the news with the whole spectrum of reactions: concern, anxiety, hope.
But is there anything to fear? Does the CRA really change things in open source? And how should your teams be preparing for this legislation? In this article, I’ll dive into the CRA and explain its aims, requirements, and effects on the open source community, and give my cybersecurity recommendations to prepare for the CRA.
The CRA is a piece of European Union legislation that aims to make devices safer by implementing more rigorous cybersecurity, documentation, and vulnerability reporting requirements into the EU’s IT industry. The legislation would apply to developers, distributors, manufacturers and retailers of hardware, devices, software, applications, and other “products with digitally connected elements”. The CRA’s requirements, rules and regulations would cover those products throughout their life cycle.
“The CRA aims to safeguard consumers and businesses buying or using products or software with a digital component. The Act would see inadequate security features become a thing of the past with the introduction of mandatory cybersecurity requirements for manufacturers and retailers of such products, with this protection extending throughout the product life cycle.”
It promises:
If you want to read it for yourself first, you can read the entire CRA draft document, and if you’re just looking for the most pertinent points and a checklist of requirements and how they might apply to you, I’d recommend reading the Annexes to the CRA.
Let’s take a look at the CRA’s main objectives, which will help to understand how the specific requirements fit in.
The CRA has four objectives:
For manufacturers and developers working with these regulated items, this means a few specific things:
This entirely depends on the CRA classification of the product, which has several classes for digital devices, or services you make. The most common ‘products with digital elements’ will fall outside of the critical classes I and II, which allows for self assessment, whereas the critical classes require third-party attestation and in some cases certification. Regardless of category, it means 4 big things:
At its core, the CRA establishes a new and more stringent set of ‘EU standards’ for software and digital products. These standards apply (in varying degrees) to developers, manufacturers, importers, and distributors.
These new security standards in brief:
On top of that, you’ll also need to follow or provide:
There are four obligations set out by the CRA:
The manufacturer/developer must perform a cybersecurity risk assessment of their product. Briefly, this risk assessment determines:
If your device or product falls into the “Non-critical” category, then you can perform the assessment yourself. However, products in Class I and II have to be assessed by an independent third party.
The CRA introduces new requirements for documentation and product information. In general, the manufacturer or developer would be required to provide:
Depending on the class that the device or product falls into, the product needs to undergo a conformity assessment to ensure that it meets all the requirements outlined in the CRA.
Class of product | Requirement |
Non-critical products | The manufacturers/developers can perform a conformity assessment themselves. |
Class I & Class II products | The assessment must be done by a “notified body” – i.e. an independent auditor certified by the EU. |
Under the CRA, software and hardware producers are required to report vulnerabilities to the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) within 24 hours.
They also have a range of other requirements related to ongoing testing, updating and documentation of their product’s cybersecurity vulnerabilities. Developers must:
Time is running out to prepare for the CRA’s requirements. The CRA will enter into force on the 20th day following its publication in the Official Journal, in 2024 (which is expected at the beginning of May). Upon entry into force, manufacturers, importers and distributors of hardware and software products will have up to 36 months to adapt to the new requirements, with the exception of a more limited 21-month grace period in relation to the reporting obligation of manufacturers for incidents and vulnerabilities. 36 months sounds like a long time, but the more complex your product and operations the higher the demands will be.
If you’re found in breach of requirements, or don’t meet requirements, you’ll face monetary fines. This depends from country to country, as each Member State can decide its own fines and report them to the ENISA. However, current guidelines anywhere between 5 to 15 million euro or 1% to 2.5% of your worldwide annual turnover (whichever is highest) depending on the seriousness of your violation. For detailed information, see Chapter VII, Article 52 & 53, “Confidentiality and Penalties” of the CRA.
The CRA is wide-reaching and its effects will vary depending on how your device or software is categorised. Devices and software are placed into three categories, based on their cybersecurity risk factor and their level of access authority or connection to sensitive infrastructure, networks, or systems. These are:
At a glance, a list like that might make you think your product won’t fall into a critical class, but you should note that the CRA takes a very broad approach to vulnerabilities, stating that:
“Under certain conditions, all products with digital elements integrated in or connected to a larger electronic information system can serve as an attack vector for malicious actors.”
This means that you’re not quite off the hook: even lower-class hardware or software can theoretically facilitate attacks on the larger devices or networks they connect to.
As a result, even if you make less-critical products, you should be aware that you would be reasonably expected to design your product to meet the requirements of the CRA. This goes double for you if your product relies on other technologies, products or services that are otherwise safe or meet compliance, but through which a chain-of-vulnerability exploit could affect your users.
As I mentioned above, the CRA will require you to document and disclose quite a large amount of information about your products or services. Most of this information needs to be made available on the product. Where this isn’t possible, you’ll need to include it in your product packaging or documentation. This could be in the form of new product stickers and warning labels, or new sections in your readme.txt or user manuals.
Like with any CVE or cybersecurity vulnerability, you cannot prepare for what you don’t fully understand. Your first point of action should be to sit down with legal, compliance, and engineers to understand the final wording of the published CRA and identify areas where CRA regulation may apply. Don’t be afraid of overestimating your regulatory exposure: it’s better to over prepare and have extremely concrete documentation and cybersecurity principles, than it is to get caught out on a “safe” bet that “the wording isn’t exact enough to mean us”.
Documentation is vital. Make it clear to your customers where your software comes from, what it’s made of, and how safe it is (and how it’s kept safe). As a minimum, you need to have the following documented and available for the public and EU authorities:
These days, security is non-negotiable. That’s good, because it means that most development organisations worth their salt will likely meet the basic cybersecurity requirements of the CRA just by meeting their current obligations, such as NIS2 or ISO27001.
However, now is the perfect time to take a hard look at your assessment, planning, and cybersecurity processes and design standards. Even if you’re not directly compelled by the CRA to up your cybersecurity standards, legislation like the CRA is a marker of a rising tide. The pressure is on for producers of all sorts of software, devices and products to demonstrate a safe, low-vulnerability foundation that users and buyers can trust implicitly.
You need to have a clear process for reporting vulnerabilities as soon as you find them. This process should be baked into your internal teams and policies. You should have a team (or ideally, a core unit of specific team members with clear expectations for reporting) so that if the worst happens, you don’t forget to inform the EU CRA authority bodies, and run the risk of a fine.
Whether you’re being tested externally or doing your own assessment, you need a clear internal process and documentation for compliance and conformity assessment. You need to think about how your certification and documentation will be publicly accessible, and where you’ll advertise this accessible address (whether in your readme.txt, product info sheet, or on the device itself).
In conclusion, the CRA is coming, and you need to be prepared. Depending on the Class your product falls into, there could be additional assessment, security, documentation, patching, compliance and reporting requirements on you and your teams. Find out how your digital product or service is categorised, reexamine your cybersecurity practices and design standards, and take a hard look at your internal processes to figure out how you can advertise your software supply chain and product information – as well as report new vulnerabilities – in an effective and timely manner.
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