Kubernetes 1.23 rc testing with MicroK8s

Today, Kubernetes 1.23 release candidate was made available upstream for testing and experimentation. General availability is planned for December 7th, so now is the time to report back any issues or bugs. Developers, DevOps and open source software enthusiasts can try out the latest features using MicroK8s.


MicroK8s is a lightweight, CNCF-certified Kubernetes distribution with a streamlined UX. It can run from a local workstation to the cloud and is ideal to build edge clusters as it includes all Kubernetes services and useful addons in a single light package. MicroK8s tracks all upstream releases, and allows users to select between stable versions for production, beta, or release candidate versions for testing.

How to install the latest Kubernetes 

It takes a single command to get the latest Kubernetes with MicroK8s:

sudo snap install microk8s --channel=1.23/candidate --classic

Alternatively, go to https://snapcraft.io/microk8s and select 1.23/candidate.

Microk8s on the snapcraft webpage

MicroK8s runs on Ubuntu and all major Linux distributions, Windows, and macOS. It is optimised to run on devices of small form factors such as the RaspberryPi or the NVIDIA Jetson, with support for x86 and ARM architectures. For more on MicroK8s, you can read the docs or follow the tutorials.

We welcome your feedback on Discourse or Slack (#microk8s). And if you have any bugs or technical issues to report, you can file them on GitHub.

Photo by National Cancer Institute on Unsplash

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