Virtual host configuration in apache

Virtual host configuration in Apache

You can host multiple websites on a single machine by utilizing Apache virtual hosts. These virtual hosts enable you to define the document root for each site, determining where the website files are stored and served in response to requests. For each domain, you have the option to implement a security policy and utilize SSL certificates.

The document root can be established in any preferred location. In this article, we’ll adopt the following directory structure on Ubuntu 18.04:

Virtual host configuration in apache 1


To host each domain on the server, a distinct folder will be generated within the /var/www directory.

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For storing the website files, a directory named public_html will be established under the /var/www folder. Execute the following command to create the directory (utilizing the -p argument to generate parent directories).:

sudo mkdir -p /var/www/

Virtual host configuration in apache 2

As depicted in the snapshots above, the commands were executed using the sudo user, resulting in the creation of new files and directories owned by the root user. To mitigate potential permission issues, ownership of the root directory can be altered using the following command:

sudo chown -R $USER:$USER /var/www/

To check that the permissions are correct, write :

sudo chown -R 755 /var/www/

Virtual host configuration in apache 3

Now, generate an index.html file within the root directory to facilitate subsequent access and verify if Apache is effectively handling our domain name.

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Execute the nano command or utilize your preferred text editor, following these steps:

nano /var/www/

Next, add the HTML code lines below:

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access performed successfully

Virtual host configuration in apache 4

After completion, save the file and exit (in nano, utilize Ctrl+X, then press Y, and finally hit Enter).

Apache manages its virtual host configuration files in the /etc/apache2/sites-available directory. While Apache includes a default configuration file (000-default.conf), creating a new virtual host configuration file is necessary for the web server to handle distinct domain requests.

As earlier, employ nano or open your preferred editor to craft the following Virtual Host configuration file at: /etc/apache2/sites-available/ :

sudo nano /etc/apache2/sites-available/

Virtual host configuration in apache 5

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Next, write the following lines in the file :




DocumentRoot /var/www/

ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/error.log

CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/access.log combined

Virtual host configuration in apache 6

Save and close upon completion. Here’s a simple breakdown of crucial fields:

1. `ServerName`: Assign your domain name, ensuring it matches this virtual host setup.


2. `ServerAlias`: Add extra domains corresponding to this virtual host, e.g.,

3. `DocumentRoot`: Apache serves domain files from the specified directory in this field.

4. `ErrorLog`, `CustomLog`: Indicate the locations of log files.

When naming the virtual host configuration file, it’s wise to use your domain name as a best practice. However, you have the flexibility to choose any name.

Now, establish a symbolic link between the virtual host file and the /sites-enabled directory, which Apache2 reads during startup. To enable the virtual host, utilize the a2ensite tool, as illustrated below:

sudo a2ensite

Virtual host configuration in apache 7

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Deactivate the default site configuration file, 000-default.conf:

sudo a2dissite 000-default.conf

Virtual host configuration in apache 8

After completion, assess the configuration you established for potential syntax errors using the following command:

sudo apachectl configtest

Virtual host configuration in apache 9

Upon encountering the above common Ubuntu 18.04 version error, follow these steps to address the issue:

Execute the command below to solve it :

echo “ServerName | sudo tee /etc/apache2/conf-available/servername.conf

Virtual host configuration in apache 10

And then execute the command :

sudo a2enconf servername

Virtual host configuration in apache 11

Verify the syntax by rerunning the command to ensure everything is in order:

Virtual host configuration in apache 12

To implement the changes, restart the Apache server by issuing the following command :

sudo systemctl restart apache2

Virtual host configuration in apache 13

Your Apache server is now hosting your domain name. Verify that your index.html file, created earlier, is accessible by entering your IP Address into the browser:

Virtual host configuration in apache 14


In conclusion, setting up virtual hosts using Apache provides a powerful and flexible solution for hosting multiple websites on a single machine. By defining distinct document roots for each site, you can effectively manage where website files are stored and served in response to requests. This process allows for the implementation of security policies and the use of SSL certificates for each domain.

The recommended directory structure, as outlined in this article, ensures a systematic approach to organizing website files within the /var/www directory. The creation of individual folders for each domain, such as /var/www/, facilitates proper management.

To avoid potential permission issues, it’s crucial to adjust ownership using the appropriate commands. Verifying correct permissions is essential for seamless operation.

Crafting an index.html file within the root directory allows for easy testing and verification of Apache’s effective handling of the domain name. This step ensures that the server is correctly configured to respond to requests for the specified domain.

Managing virtual host configuration files in the /etc/apache2/sites-available directory is a key aspect of this setup. Creating a new configuration file for each virtual host is necessary, and the article provides a detailed guide on the essential fields to include. The symbolic link between the virtual host file and the /sites-enabled directory, along with the use of the a2ensite tool, enables the activation of the virtual host.

Furthermore, deactivating the default site configuration file and performing a syntax check with apachectl configtest ensure that the configuration is error-free. In case of encountering common errors on the Ubuntu 18.04 version, the article offers clear steps to address them.

By following these steps and restarting the Apache server, your domain name is successfully hosted. It is recommended to verify accessibility by entering your IP address into the browser, ensuring that the index.html file is correctly displayed. This comprehensive guide equips you with the necessary knowledge to efficiently set up virtual hosts on an Apache server for hosting multiple websites.


The post Virtual host configuration in Apache appeared first on net2.

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