Software and technical overview of ubuntu server 22. 04 lts

Software and technical overview of Ubuntu server 22.04 LTS

Ubuntu server 22.04 LTS server edition offers the following software and versions:


  • linux kernel – 5.15.0 – 5.15.0-33-generic
  • System
    • linux-firmware – 20220329.git681281e4-0ubuntu3. Apparently, this is a git clone on 29 March 2022.
    • libc – 2.35 – 2.35-0ubuntu3
    • GNU GCC – multiple versions available – 9.4.0, 10.3.0, 11.2.0 and 12-20220302. The exact versions – 9.4.0-5ubuntu1, 10.3.0-15ubuntu1, 11.2.0-19ubuntu1 and 12-20220319-1ubuntu1
    • OpenSSL – 3.0.2 – 3.0.2-0ubuntu1.2
    • coreutils – 8.328.32-4.1ubuntu1
    • apt – 2.4.5
    • rsyslog – 8.2112.0 – 8.2112.0-2ubuntu2.2
  • Servers
    • Apache – 2.4.52 – 2.4.52-1ubuntu4
    • Nginx – 1.18.0 – 1.18.0-6ubuntu14.1
    • MySQL server –
    • MariaDB server – 10.6.7 – 1:10.6.7-2ubuntu1
    • PostgreSQL – 14+238
  • Programming
      LTS the user may install

    • PHP – 8.1 – 2:8.1+92ubuntu1
    • python – 3.10.4
      (3.10.4-0ubuntu2) and also includes 2.7.18-3
    • perl – 5.34.0 (5.34.0-3ubuntu1)
    • ruby – 3.0 – 1:3.0~exp1
    • OpenJDK – includes multiple versions – 8u312-b07, 11.0.15, 17.0.3 and 18~36ea-1. The exact versions are 8u312-b07-0ubuntu1, 11.0.15+10-0ubuntu0.22.04.1, 17.0.3+7-0ubuntu0.22.04.1 and 8u312-b07-0ubuntu1
    • Go lang – multiple versions – 1.13.8, 1.17.3 and 1.18.1. The exact versions – 1.13.8-1ubuntu2, 1.17.3-1ubuntu2 and 1.18.1-1ubuntu1.
    • Rust – 1.58.1 – 1.58.1+dfsg1~ubuntu1-0ubuntu2
    • Subversion – 1.14.1 – 1.14.1-3build4
    • Git – 2.34.1 – 1:2.34.1-1ubuntu1.2
    • llvm – multiple versions – 11.1.0, 12.0.1, 13.0.1 and 14. The exact versions – 1:11.1.0-6, 1:12.0.1-19ubuntu3, 1:13.0.1-2ubuntu2 and 1:14.0.0-1ubuntu1
  • Graphical User Interface
    • Xorg X server – ??? –
    • GNOME (the GUI) – 42.0 – Gnome Shell – 42.0 (42.0-2ubuntu1)

Note: Not all of the above software comes installed by default. The versions above are valid as of May 2022, these are the minimum versions you get with Ubuntu server 22.04 LTS now, and updating it after the initial date may update some of the above packages with newer versions.
The installation procedure you can find here – link.
Installed packages are 617 occupying 2.3G space:. Note, this is Ubuntu server 22.04 LTS, not the minimalistic install (used for embedded systems). This server install includes OpenSSH server.

root@srv:~# dpkg-query -l|wc -l
[root@srv ~]# df -h /
Filesystem                         Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-ubuntu--lv   57G   11G   44G  20% /
root@srv:~# du -h -d 1 -x /
36K     /root
2.2G    /usr
4.0K    /opt
5.4M    /etc
432M    /var
64K     /tmp
4.0K    /mnt
16K     /lost+found
28K     /home
4.0K    /media
4.0K    /srv
24K     /snap
11G     /

The swap file is 8G, so the real occupying space by the Ubuntu server 22.04 LTS is around 2.3G.


  1. Mandatory Access Control (MAC) system – AppArmor is in enforce mode.
    root@srv:~# apparmor_status
    apparmor module is loaded.
    29 profiles are loaded.
    29 profiles are in enforce mode.
    0 profiles are in complain mode.
    0 profiles are in kill mode.
    0 profiles are in unconfined mode.
    0 processes have profiles defined.
    0 processes are in enforce mode.
    0 processes are in complain mode.
    0 processes are unconfined but have a profile defined.
    0 processes are in mixed mode.
    0 processes are in kill mode.
  2. Network firewall – ufw – Uncomplicated Firewall – Despite the ufw service is loaded, the ufw by default is initially disabled.
    root@srv:~# ufw status
    Status: inactive
    root@srv:~# ufw app list
    Available applications:
    root@srv:~# ufw app info OpenSSH
    Profile: OpenSSH
    Title: Secure shell server, an rshd replacement
    Description: OpenSSH is a free implementation of the Secure Shell protocol.


Default installation on a single disk, which has only free space on your disk or you reclaimed all the occupied space during installation. Ubuntu 22.04 LTS needs around 11G of space for the default installation, so if you select a destination disk, which has less than 11G of space you should delete existing partitions to free up space or let Ubuntu 22.04 LTS installer to do default installation asking you to reclaim the disk space. We used the whole disk for the installation.
By default Ubuntu 22.04 LTS server uses.

  1. ext4 – file system
  2. 3 separate partitions – boot efi, /boot and root.
  3. root, home and swap partitions. No device mapper or LVM2.
  4. /boot, root and home on the same partition.
  5. vfat – boot efi partition.

Ubuntu server 22.04 LTS

  1. Disk layout
    root@srv:~# parted -l
    Model: ATA KINGSTON SNV425S (scsi)
    Disk /dev/sda: 128GB
    Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/512B
    Partition Table: gpt
    Disk Flags: 
    Number  Start   End     Size    File system  Name  Flags
     1      1049kB  1128MB  1127MB  fat32              boot, esp
     2      1128MB  3276MB  2147MB  ext4
     3      3276MB  128GB   125GB
  2. Mounted Partitions
    root@srv:~# df -h
    Filesystem                         Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
    tmpfs                              3.2G  1.9M  3.2G   1% /run
    /dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-ubuntu--lv   57G   11G   44G  20% /
    tmpfs                               16G     0   16G   0% /dev/shm
    tmpfs                              5.0M     0  5.0M   0% /run/lock
    /dev/sda2                          2.0G  126M  1.7G   7% /boot
    /dev/sda1                          1.1G  5.3M  1.1G   1% /boot/efi
    tmpfs                              3.2G  4.0K  3.2G   1% /run/user/1000
  3. Partitions in configuration:

    root@srv:~# cat /etc/fstab 
    # /etc/fstab: static file system information.
    # Use 'blkid' to print the universally unique identifier for a
    # device; this may be used with UUID= as a more robust way to name devices
    # that works even if disks are added and removed. See fstab(5).
    # / was on /dev/ubuntu-vg/ubuntu-lv during curtin installation
    /dev/disk/by-id/dm-uuid-LVM-YBz6gVGe8mgaW5WAvSgW6eZAf33cj5KhC9H3PxgqQdPBHUpFC7C7czyhiIUOzh7z / ext4 defaults 0 1
    # /boot was on /dev/sda2 during curtin installation
    /dev/disk/by-uuid/8b79275c-1990-47b9-a419-fe5987ddd0af /boot ext4 defaults 0 1
    # /boot/efi was on /dev/sda1 during curtin installation
    /dev/disk/by-uuid/455B-5CA3 /boot/efi vfat defaults 0 1
    /swap.img       none    swap    sw      0       0
  4. File system layout
    root@srv:~# ls -al /
    total 8388684
    drwxr-xr-x  19 root root       4096 May 25 12:47 .
    drwxr-xr-x  19 root root       4096 May 25 12:47 ..
    lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root          7 Apr 21 00:57 bin -> usr/bin
    drwxr-xr-x   5 root root       4096 May 25 12:44 boot
    drwxr-xr-x  21 root root       4880 May 25 13:11 dev
    drwxr-xr-x  99 root root       4096 May 25 12:50 etc
    drwxr-xr-x   3 root root       4096 May 25 12:50 home
    lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root          7 Apr 21 00:57 lib -> usr/lib
    lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root          9 Apr 21 00:57 lib32 -> usr/lib32
    lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root          9 Apr 21 00:57 lib64 -> usr/lib64
    lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root         10 Apr 21 00:57 libx32 -> usr/libx32
    drwx------   2 root root      16384 May 25 12:43 lost+found
    drwxr-xr-x   2 root root       4096 Apr 21 00:57 media
    drwxr-xr-x   2 root root       4096 Apr 21 00:57 mnt
    drwxr-xr-x   2 root root       4096 Apr 21 00:57 opt
    dr-xr-xr-x 467 root root          0 May 25 12:49 proc
    drwx------   4 root root       4096 May 25 13:04 root
    drwxr-xr-x  29 root root        860 May 25 13:05 run
    lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root          8 Apr 21 00:57 sbin -> usr/sbin
    drwxr-xr-x   6 root root       4096 Apr 21 01:02 snap
    drwxr-xr-x   2 root root       4096 Apr 21 00:57 srv
    -rw-------   1 root root 8589934592 May 25 12:44 swap.img
    dr-xr-xr-x  13 root root          0 May 25 12:49 sys
    drwxrwxrwt  12 root root       4096 May 25 12:50 tmp
    drwxr-xr-x  14 root root       4096 Apr 21 00:57 usr
    drwxr-xr-x  13 root root       4096 Apr 21 01:01 var
  5. LVM configuration
    [root@srv ~]# lvmdiskscan -l 
      WARNING: only considering LVM devices
      /dev/sda3      [     116.19 GiB] LVM physical volume
      0 LVM physical volume whole disks
      1 LVM physical volume
    [root@srv ~]# pvscan
      PV /dev/sda3   VG ubuntu-vg       lvm2 [<116.19 GiB / 58.09 GiB free]
      Total: 1 [<116.19 GiB] / in use: 1 [<116.19 GiB] / in no VG: 0 [0   ]
    [root@srv ~]# pvs
      PV         VG        Fmt  Attr PSize    PFree 
      /dev/sda3  ubuntu-vg lvm2 a--  <116.19g 58.09g
    [root@srv ~]# pvdisplay -m
      --- Physical volume ---
      PV Name               /dev/sda3
      VG Name               ubuntu-vg
      PV Size               116.19 GiB / not usable 3.00 MiB
      Allocatable           yes 
      PE Size               4.00 MiB
      Total PE              29744
      Free PE               14872
      Allocated PE          14872
      PV UUID               z0DhuK-xB7W-ORRV-jEJe-0HdV-CJ4G-Nadfc8
      --- Physical Segments ---
      Physical extent 0 to 14871:
        Logical volume      /dev/ubuntu-vg/ubuntu-lv
        Logical extents     0 to 14871
      Physical extent 14872 to 29743:
    [root@srv ~]# vgs -o +devices,lv_path
      VG        #PV #LV #SN Attr   VSize    VFree  Devices      Path                    
      ubuntu-vg   1   1   0 wz--n- <116.19g 58.09g /dev/sda3(0) /dev/ubuntu-vg/ubuntu-lv
    [root@srv ~]# vgdisplay -v
      --- Volume group ---
      VG Name               ubuntu-vg
      System ID             
      Format                lvm2
      Metadata Areas        1
      Metadata Sequence No  2
      VG Access             read/write
      VG Status             resizable
      MAX LV                0
      Cur LV                1
      Open LV               1
      Max PV                0
      Cur PV                1
      Act PV                1
      VG Size               <116.19 GiB
      PE Size               4.00 MiB
      Total PE              29744
      Alloc PE / Size       14872 / 58.09 GiB
      Free  PE / Size       14872 / 58.09 GiB
      VG UUID               YBz6gV-Ge8m-gaW5-WAvS-gW6e-ZAf3-3cj5Kh
      --- Logical volume ---
      LV Path                /dev/ubuntu-vg/ubuntu-lv
      LV Name                ubuntu-lv
      VG Name                ubuntu-vg
      LV UUID                C9H3Px-gqQd-PBHU-pFC7-C7cz-yhiI-UOzh7z
      LV Write Access        read/write
      LV Creation host, time ubuntu-server, 2022-05-25 12:43:07 +0000
      LV Status              available
      # open                 1
      LV Size                58.09 GiB
      Current LE             14872
      Segments               1
      Allocation             inherit
      Read ahead sectors     auto
      - currently set to     256
      Block device           253:0
      --- Physical volumes ---
      PV Name               /dev/sda3     
      PV UUID               z0DhuK-xB7W-ORRV-jEJe-0HdV-CJ4G-Nadfc8
      PV Status             allocatable
      Total PE / Free PE    29744 / 14872
      Creating directory "/etc/lvm/archive"
      Archiving volume group "ubuntu-vg" metadata (seqno 2).
      Creating directory "/etc/lvm/backup"
      Creating volume group backup "/etc/lvm/backup/ubuntu-vg" (seqno 2).
    [root@srv ~]# lvs --segments
      LV        VG        Attr       #Str Type   SSize 
      ubuntu-lv ubuntu-vg -wi-ao----    1 linear 58.09g
    [root@srv ~]# lvdisplay -m
      --- Logical volume ---
      LV Path                /dev/ubuntu-vg/ubuntu-lv
      LV Name                ubuntu-lv
      VG Name                ubuntu-vg
      LV UUID                C9H3Px-gqQd-PBHU-pFC7-C7cz-yhiI-UOzh7z
      LV Write Access        read/write
      LV Creation host, time ubuntu-server, 2022-05-25 12:43:07 +0000
      LV Status              available
      # open                 1
      LV Size                58.09 GiB
      Current LE             14872
      Segments               1
      Allocation             inherit
      Read ahead sectors     auto
      - currently set to     256
      Block device           253:0
      --- Segments ---
      Logical extents 0 to 14871:
        Type                linear
        Physical volume     /dev/sda3
        Physical extents    0 to 14871


Idle system for several hours with no additional software installed except the OpenSSH server, which is running, occupies around 518 Mbytes of RAM.

root@srv:~# free
               total        used        free      shared  buff/cache   available
Mem:        32713832      531392    31642820        1948      539620    31715836
Swap:        8388604           0     8388604


Here is the default started processes when logged using ssh:


Processes detailed:

[root@srv ~]# ps axufww
root           2  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:49   0:00 [kthreadd]
root           3  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I<   12:49   0:00  _ [rcu_gp]
root           4  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I<   12:49   0:00  _ [rcu_par_gp]
root           5  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I    12:49   0:00  _ [kworker/0:0-rcu_gp]
root           6  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I<   12:49   0:00  _ [kworker/0:0H-events_highpri]
root           9  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I<   12:49   0:00  _ [mm_percpu_wq]
root          10  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:49   0:00  _ [rcu_tasks_rude_]
root          11  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:49   0:00  _ [rcu_tasks_trace]
root          12  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:49   0:00  _ [ksoftirqd/0]
root          13  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I    12:49   0:00  _ [rcu_sched]
root          14  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:49   0:00  _ [migration/0]
root          15  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:49   0:00  _ [idle_inject/0]
root          16  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:49   0:00  _ [cpuhp/0]
root          17  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:49   0:00  _ [cpuhp/1]
root          18  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:49   0:00  _ [idle_inject/1]
root          19  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:49   0:00  _ [migration/1]
root          20  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:49   0:00  _ [ksoftirqd/1]
root          22  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I<   12:49   0:00  _ [kworker/1:0H-kblockd]
root          23  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:49   0:00  _ [cpuhp/2]
root          24  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:49   0:00  _ [idle_inject/2]
root          25  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:49   0:00  _ [migration/2]
root          26  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:49   0:00  _ [ksoftirqd/2]
root          28  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I<   12:49   0:00  _ [kworker/2:0H-kblockd]
root          29  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:49   0:00  _ [cpuhp/3]
root          30  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:49   0:00  _ [idle_inject/3]
root          31  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:49   0:00  _ [migration/3]
root          32  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:49   0:00  _ [ksoftirqd/3]
root          34  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I<   12:49   0:00  _ [kworker/3:0H-kblockd]
root          35  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:49   0:00  _ [cpuhp/4]
root          36  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:49   0:00  _ [idle_inject/4]
root          37  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:49   0:00  _ [migration/4]
root          38  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:49   0:00  _ [ksoftirqd/4]
root          40  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I<   12:49   0:00  _ [kworker/4:0H-kblockd]
root          41  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:49   0:00  _ [cpuhp/5]
root          42  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:49   0:00  _ [idle_inject/5]
root          43  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:49   0:00  _ [migration/5]
root          44  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:49   0:00  _ [ksoftirqd/5]
root          46  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I<   12:49   0:00  _ [kworker/5:0H-events_highpri]
root          47  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:49   0:00  _ [cpuhp/6]
root          48  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:49   0:00  _ [idle_inject/6]
root          49  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:49   0:00  _ [migration/6]
root          50  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:49   0:00  _ [ksoftirqd/6]
root          52  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I<   12:49   0:00  _ [kworker/6:0H-events_highpri]
root          53  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:49   0:00  _ [cpuhp/7]
root          54  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:49   0:00  _ [idle_inject/7]
root          55  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:49   0:00  _ [migration/7]
root          56  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:49   0:00  _ [ksoftirqd/7]
root          58  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I<   12:49   0:00  _ [kworker/7:0H-events_highpri]
root          59  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:49   0:00  _ [cpuhp/8]
root          60  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:49   0:00  _ [idle_inject/8]
root          61  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:49   0:00  _ [migration/8]
root          62  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:49   0:00  _ [ksoftirqd/8]
root          64  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I<   12:49   0:00  _ [kworker/8:0H-kblockd]
root          65  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:49   0:00  _ [cpuhp/9]
root          66  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:49   0:00  _ [idle_inject/9]
root          67  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:49   0:00  _ [migration/9]
root          68  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:49   0:00  _ [ksoftirqd/9]
root          70  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I<   12:49   0:00  _ [kworker/9:0H-events_highpri]
root          71  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:49   0:00  _ [cpuhp/10]
root          72  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:49   0:00  _ [idle_inject/10]
root          73  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:49   0:00  _ [migration/10]
root          74  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:49   0:00  _ [ksoftirqd/10]
root          76  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I<   12:49   0:00  _ [kworker/10:0H-kblockd]
root          77  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:49   0:00  _ [cpuhp/11]
root          78  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:49   0:00  _ [idle_inject/11]
root          79  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:49   0:00  _ [migration/11]
root          80  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:49   0:00  _ [ksoftirqd/11]
root          82  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I<   12:49   0:00  _ [kworker/11:0H-events_highpri]
root          83  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:49   0:00  _ [cpuhp/12]
root          84  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:49   0:00  _ [idle_inject/12]
root          85  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:49   0:00  _ [migration/12]
root          86  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:49   0:00  _ [ksoftirqd/12]
root          88  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I<   12:49   0:00  _ [kworker/12:0H-events_highpri]
root          89  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:49   0:00  _ [cpuhp/13]
root          90  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:49   0:00  _ [idle_inject/13]
root          91  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:49   0:00  _ [migration/13]
root          92  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:49   0:00  _ [ksoftirqd/13]
root          94  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I<   12:49   0:00  _ [kworker/13:0H-kblockd]
root          95  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:49   0:00  _ [cpuhp/14]
root          96  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:49   0:00  _ [idle_inject/14]
root          97  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:49   0:00  _ [migration/14]
root          98  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:49   0:00  _ [ksoftirqd/14]
root         100  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I<   12:49   0:00  _ [kworker/14:0H-events_highpri]
root         101  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:49   0:00  _ [cpuhp/15]
root         102  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:49   0:00  _ [idle_inject/15]
root         103  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:49   0:00  _ [migration/15]
root         104  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:49   0:00  _ [ksoftirqd/15]
root         106  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I<   12:49   0:00  _ [kworker/15:0H-kblockd]
root         107  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:49   0:00  _ [cpuhp/16]
root         108  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:49   0:00  _ [idle_inject/16]
root         109  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:49   0:00  _ [migration/16]
root         110  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:49   0:00  _ [ksoftirqd/16]
root         112  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I<   12:49   0:00  _ [kworker/16:0H-kblockd]
root         113  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:49   0:00  _ [cpuhp/17]
root         114  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:49   0:00  _ [idle_inject/17]
root         115  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:49   0:00  _ [migration/17]
root         116  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:49   0:00  _ [ksoftirqd/17]
root         118  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I<   12:49   0:00  _ [kworker/17:0H-kblockd]
root         119  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:49   0:00  _ [cpuhp/18]
root         120  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:49   0:00  _ [idle_inject/18]
root         121  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:49   0:00  _ [migration/18]
root         122  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:49   0:00  _ [ksoftirqd/18]
root         124  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I<   12:49   0:00  _ [kworker/18:0H-events_highpri]
root         125  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:49   0:00  _ [cpuhp/19]
root         126  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:49   0:00  _ [idle_inject/19]
root         127  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:49   0:00  _ [migration/19]
root         128  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:49   0:00  _ [ksoftirqd/19]
root         130  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I<   12:49   0:00  _ [kworker/19:0H-kblockd]
root         131  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:49   0:00  _ [cpuhp/20]
root         132  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:49   0:00  _ [idle_inject/20]
root         133  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:49   0:00  _ [migration/20]
root         134  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:49   0:00  _ [ksoftirqd/20]
root         136  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I<   12:49   0:00  _ [kworker/20:0H-events_highpri]
root         137  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:49   0:00  _ [cpuhp/21]
root         138  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:49   0:00  _ [idle_inject/21]
root         139  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:49   0:00  _ [migration/21]
root         140  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:49   0:00  _ [ksoftirqd/21]
root         142  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I<   12:49   0:00  _ [kworker/21:0H-events_highpri]
root         143  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:49   0:00  _ [cpuhp/22]
root         144  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:49   0:00  _ [idle_inject/22]
root         145  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:49   0:00  _ [migration/22]
root         146  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:49   0:00  _ [ksoftirqd/22]
root         148  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I<   12:49   0:00  _ [kworker/22:0H-events_highpri]
root         149  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:49   0:00  _ [cpuhp/23]
root         150  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:49   0:00  _ [idle_inject/23]
root         151  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:49   0:00  _ [migration/23]
root         152  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:49   0:00  _ [ksoftirqd/23]
root         154  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I<   12:49   0:00  _ [kworker/23:0H-events_highpri]
root         155  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:49   0:00  _ [cpuhp/24]
root         156  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:49   0:00  _ [idle_inject/24]
root         157  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:49   0:00  _ [migration/24]
root         158  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:49   0:00  _ [ksoftirqd/24]
root         160  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I<   12:49   0:00  _ [kworker/24:0H-events_highpri]
root         161  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:49   0:00  _ [cpuhp/25]
root         162  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:49   0:00  _ [idle_inject/25]
root         163  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:49   0:00  _ [migration/25]
root         164  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:49   0:00  _ [ksoftirqd/25]
root         166  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I<   12:49   0:00  _ [kworker/25:0H-events_highpri]
root         167  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:49   0:00  _ [cpuhp/26]
root         168  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:49   0:00  _ [idle_inject/26]
root         169  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:49   0:00  _ [migration/26]
root         170  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:49   0:00  _ [ksoftirqd/26]
root         172  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I<   12:49   0:00  _ [kworker/26:0H-events_highpri]
root         173  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:49   0:00  _ [cpuhp/27]
root         174  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:49   0:00  _ [idle_inject/27]
root         175  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:49   0:00  _ [migration/27]
root         176  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:49   0:00  _ [ksoftirqd/27]
root         178  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I<   12:49   0:00  _ [kworker/27:0H-events_highpri]
root         179  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:49   0:00  _ [cpuhp/28]
root         180  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:49   0:00  _ [idle_inject/28]
root         181  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:49   0:00  _ [migration/28]
root         182  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:49   0:00  _ [ksoftirqd/28]
root         184  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I<   12:49   0:00  _ [kworker/28:0H-events_highpri]
root         185  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:49   0:00  _ [cpuhp/29]
root         186  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:49   0:00  _ [idle_inject/29]
root         187  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:49   0:00  _ [migration/29]
root         188  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:49   0:00  _ [ksoftirqd/29]
root         190  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I<   12:49   0:00  _ [kworker/29:0H-events_highpri]
root         191  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:49   0:00  _ [cpuhp/30]
root         192  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:49   0:00  _ [idle_inject/30]
root         193  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:49   0:00  _ [migration/30]
root         194  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:49   0:00  _ [ksoftirqd/30]
root         196  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I<   12:49   0:00  _ [kworker/30:0H-events_highpri]
root         197  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:49   0:00  _ [cpuhp/31]
root         198  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:49   0:00  _ [idle_inject/31]
root         199  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:49   0:00  _ [migration/31]
root         200  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:49   0:00  _ [ksoftirqd/31]
root         202  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I<   12:49   0:00  _ [kworker/31:0H-events_highpri]
root         203  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:49   0:00  _ [kdevtmpfs]
root         204  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I<   12:49   0:00  _ [netns]
root         205  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I<   12:49   0:00  _ [inet_frag_wq]
root         206  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:49   0:00  _ [kauditd]
root         209  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I    12:49   0:00  _ [kworker/1:2-rcu_par_gp]
root         210  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:49   0:00  _ [khungtaskd]
root         211  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:49   0:00  _ [oom_reaper]
root         212  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I<   12:49   0:00  _ [writeback]
root         213  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:49   0:00  _ [kcompactd0]
root         214  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        SN   12:49   0:00  _ [ksmd]
root         215  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        SN   12:49   0:00  _ [khugepaged]
root         222  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I    12:49   0:00  _ [kworker/12:1-mm_percpu_wq]
root         263  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I<   12:49   0:00  _ [kintegrityd]
root         264  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I<   12:49   0:00  _ [kblockd]
root         265  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I<   12:49   0:00  _ [blkcg_punt_bio]
root         266  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I    12:49   0:00  _ [kworker/16:1-rcu_gp]
root         267  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I<   12:49   0:00  _ [tpm_dev_wq]
root         268  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I<   12:49   0:00  _ [ata_sff]
root         269  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I<   12:49   0:00  _ [md]
root         270  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I<   12:49   0:00  _ [edac-poller]
root         271  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I<   12:49   0:00  _ [devfreq_wq]
root         272  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:49   0:00  _ [watchdogd]
root         274  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I<   12:49   0:00  _ [kworker/0:1H-kblockd]
root         275  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:49   0:00  _ [irq/28-AMD-Vi]
root         277  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:49   0:00  _ [kswapd0]
root         278  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:49   0:00  _ [ecryptfs-kthrea]
root         280  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I<   12:49   0:00  _ [kthrotld]
root         281  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:49   0:00  _ [irq/29-aerdrv]
root         282  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:49   0:00  _ [irq/29-pcie-dpc]
root         283  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:49   0:00  _ [irq/30-aerdrv]
root         284  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:49   0:00  _ [irq/30-pcie-dpc]
root         285  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:49   0:00  _ [irq/31-aerdrv]
root         286  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:49   0:00  _ [irq/31-pcie-dpc]
root         287  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:49   0:00  _ [irq/32-aerdrv]
root         288  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:49   0:00  _ [irq/34-aerdrv]
root         289  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:49   0:00  _ [irq/44-aerdrv]
root         290  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:49   0:00  _ [irq/46-aerdrv]
root         291  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I    12:49   0:00  _ [kworker/2:1-mm_percpu_wq]
root         292  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I    12:49   0:00  _ [kworker/3:1-events]
root         293  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I    12:49   0:00  _ [kworker/5:1-mm_percpu_wq]
root         294  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I    12:49   0:00  _ [kworker/6:1-rcu_gp]
root         295  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I    12:49   0:00  _ [kworker/7:1-rcu_par_gp]
root         296  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I    12:49   0:00  _ [kworker/8:1-mm_percpu_wq]
root         297  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I    12:49   0:00  _ [kworker/9:1-cgroup_destroy]
root         298  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I    12:49   0:00  _ [kworker/10:1-rcu_gp]
root         299  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I    12:49   0:00  _ [kworker/11:1-events]
root         300  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I    12:49   0:00  _ [kworker/13:1-events]
root         301  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I    12:49   0:00  _ [kworker/14:1-events]
root         302  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I    12:49   0:00  _ [kworker/15:1-rcu_gp]
root         303  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I    12:49   0:00  _ [kworker/17:1-mm_percpu_wq]
root         304  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I    12:49   0:00  _ [kworker/18:1-mm_percpu_wq]
root         305  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I    12:49   0:00  _ [kworker/19:1-mm_percpu_wq]
root         306  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I    12:49   0:00  _ [kworker/20:1-events]
root         307  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I    12:49   0:00  _ [kworker/21:1-events]
root         308  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I    12:49   0:00  _ [kworker/22:1-events]
root         309  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I    12:49   0:00  _ [kworker/23:1-rcu_par_gp]
root         310  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I    12:49   0:00  _ [kworker/24:1-mm_percpu_wq]
root         311  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I    12:49   0:00  _ [kworker/25:1-events]
root         312  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I    12:49   0:00  _ [kworker/26:1-rcu_par_gp]
root         313  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I    12:49   0:00  _ [kworker/27:1-rcu_par_gp]
root         314  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I    12:49   0:00  _ [kworker/28:1-mm_percpu_wq]
root         315  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I    12:49   0:00  _ [kworker/29:1-events]
root         316  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I    12:49   0:00  _ [kworker/30:1-rcu_par_gp]
root         318  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I<   12:49   0:00  _ [acpi_thermal_pm]
root         320  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I<   12:49   0:00  _ [vfio-irqfd-clea]
root         321  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I<   12:49   0:00  _ [mld]
root         322  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I<   12:49   0:00  _ [ipv6_addrconf]
root         324  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I    12:49   0:00  _ [kworker/0:3-events]
root         333  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I<   12:49   0:00  _ [kstrp]
root         336  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I<   12:49   0:00  _ [zswap-shrink]
root         337  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I    12:49   0:00  _ [kworker/2:2-events]
root         338  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I    12:49   0:00  _ [kworker/3:2-mm_percpu_wq]
root         339  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I    12:49   0:00  _ [kworker/4:2-events]
root         340  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I    12:49   0:00  _ [kworker/5:2-mm_percpu_wq]
root         342  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I    12:49   0:00  _ [kworker/7:2-mm_percpu_wq]
root         343  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I    12:49   0:00  _ [kworker/8:2]
root         346  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I    12:49   0:00  _ [kworker/11:2]
root         347  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I    12:49   0:00  _ [kworker/12:2]
root         348  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I    12:49   0:00  _ [kworker/13:2-rcu_par_gp]
root         349  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I    12:49   0:00  _ [kworker/14:2-mm_percpu_wq]
root         350  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I    12:49   0:00  _ [kworker/15:2-events]
root         351  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I    12:49   0:00  _ [kworker/16:2-mm_percpu_wq]
root         352  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I    12:49   0:00  _ [kworker/17:2-rcu_par_gp]
root         353  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I    12:49   0:00  _ [kworker/18:2-events]
root         354  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I    12:49   0:00  _ [kworker/19:2-rcu_par_gp]
root         355  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I    12:49   0:00  _ [kworker/20:2-mm_percpu_wq]
root         356  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I    12:49   0:00  _ [kworker/21:2-events]
root         358  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I    12:49   0:00  _ [kworker/23:2-events]
root         359  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I    12:49   0:00  _ [kworker/24:2-events]
root         360  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I    12:49   0:00  _ [kworker/25:2-events]
root         361  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I    12:49   0:00  _ [kworker/26:2-events]
root         362  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I    12:49   0:00  _ [kworker/27:2-events]
root         363  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I    12:49   0:00  _ [kworker/28:2-rcu_par_gp]
root         364  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I    12:49   0:00  _ [kworker/29:2-events]
root         365  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I    12:49   0:00  _ [kworker/30:2-mm_percpu_wq]
root         366  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I    12:49   0:00  _ [kworker/31:2-rcu_gp]
root         367  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I<   12:49   0:00  _ [kworker/u257:0-hci0]
root         374  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I<   12:49   0:00  _ [charger_manager]
root         396  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I<   12:49   0:00  _ [kworker/11:1H-kblockd]
root         429  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I<   12:49   0:00  _ [kworker/29:1H-kblockd]
root         430  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I<   12:49   0:00  _ [nvme-wq]
root         431  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I<   12:49   0:00  _ [nvme-reset-wq]
root         432  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I<   12:49   0:00  _ [nvme-delete-wq]
root         433  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:49   0:00  _ [scsi_eh_0]
root         434  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I<   12:49   0:00  _ [scsi_tmf_0]
root         435  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:49   0:00  _ [scsi_eh_1]
root         436  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I<   12:49   0:00  _ [scsi_tmf_1]
root         437  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:49   0:00  _ [scsi_eh_2]
root         438  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I<   12:49   0:00  _ [scsi_tmf_2]
root         439  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:49   0:00  _ [scsi_eh_3]
root         440  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I<   12:49   0:00  _ [scsi_tmf_3]
root         444  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:49   0:00  _ [scsi_eh_4]
root         445  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I<   12:49   0:00  _ [scsi_tmf_4]
root         450  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:49   0:00  _ [scsi_eh_5]
root         451  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I<   12:49   0:00  _ [scsi_tmf_5]
root         454  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:49   0:00  _ [scsi_eh_6]
root         455  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I<   12:49   0:00  _ [scsi_tmf_6]
root         465  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:49   0:00  _ [scsi_eh_7]
root         466  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I<   12:49   0:00  _ [scsi_tmf_7]
root         472  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I<   12:49   0:00  _ [cryptd]
root         504  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I    12:49   0:00  _ [kworker/u256:8-events_power_efficient]
root         507  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I    12:49   0:00  _ [kworker/u256:11-flush-253:0]
root         508  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:49   0:00  _ [scsi_eh_8]
root         509  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I<   12:49   0:00  _ [scsi_tmf_8]
root         510  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I    12:49   0:00  _ [kworker/u256:12-events_unbound]
root         511  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:49   0:00  _ [scsi_eh_9]
root         512  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I<   12:49   0:00  _ [scsi_tmf_9]
root         522  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I<   12:49   0:00  _ [kworker/26:1H-kblockd]
root         523  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I<   12:49   0:00  _ [kworker/20:1H-kblockd]
root         524  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I<   12:49   0:00  _ [kworker/14:1H-kblockd]
root         525  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I<   12:49   0:00  _ [kworker/23:1H-kblockd]
root         529  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I<   12:49   0:00  _ [kworker/25:1H-kblockd]
root         531  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I<   12:49   0:00  _ [kworker/7:1H-kblockd]
root         533  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I<   12:49   0:00  _ [kworker/12:1H-kblockd]
root         537  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I<   12:49   0:00  _ [kworker/18:1H-kblockd]
root         538  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I<   12:49   0:00  _ [kworker/9:1H-kblockd]
root         539  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I<   12:49   0:00  _ [kworker/30:1H-kblockd]
root         560  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I<   12:50   0:00  _ [kworker/24:1H-kblockd]
root         564  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:50   0:00  _ [scsi_eh_10]
root         565  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I<   12:50   0:00  _ [scsi_tmf_10]
root         567  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:50   0:00  _ [usb-storage]
root         568  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:50   0:00  _ [scsi_eh_11]
root         569  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I<   12:50   0:00  _ [scsi_tmf_11]
root         570  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:50   0:00  _ [usb-storage]
root         571  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I<   12:50   0:00  _ [uas]
root         582  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I<   12:50   0:00  _ [kworker/5:1H-kblockd]
root         584  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I<   12:50   0:00  _ [kworker/27:1H-kblockd]
root         585  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I<   12:50   0:00  _ [nvkm-disp]
root         586  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I<   12:50   0:00  _ [kdmflush]
root         589  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:50   0:00  _ [card0-crtc0]
root         590  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:50   0:00  _ [card0-crtc1]
root         591  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:50   0:00  _ [card0-crtc2]
root         592  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:50   0:00  _ [card0-crtc3]
root         596  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I<   12:50   0:00  _ [kworker/28:1H-kblockd]
root         607  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I<   12:50   0:00  _ [kworker/4:1H-kblockd]
root         629  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I<   12:50   0:00  _ [raid5wq]
root         674  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I<   12:50   0:00  _ [kworker/13:1H-kblockd]
root         678  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:50   0:00  _ [jbd2/dm-0-8]
root         679  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I<   12:50   0:00  _ [ext4-rsv-conver]
root         697  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I<   12:50   0:00  _ [kworker/21:1H-kblockd]
root         713  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I<   12:50   0:00  _ [kworker/17:1H-kblockd]
root         739  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I<   12:50   0:00  _ [kworker/15:1H-kblockd]
root         742  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I<   12:50   0:00  _ [kworker/19:1H-kblockd]
root         743  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I<   12:50   0:00  _ [kworker/1:1H-kblockd]
root         779  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I<   12:50   0:00  _ [kworker/2:1H-kblockd]
root         784  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I<   12:50   0:00  _ [kaluad]
root         785  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I<   12:50   0:00  _ [kmpath_rdacd]
root         786  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I<   12:50   0:00  _ [kworker/22:1H-kblockd]
root         787  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I<   12:50   0:00  _ [ipmi-msghandler]
root         788  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I<   12:50   0:00  _ [kworker/8:1H-kblockd]
root         790  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I<   12:50   0:00  _ [kmpathd]
root         791  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I<   12:50   0:00  _ [kmpath_handlerd]
root         793  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I<   12:50   0:00  _ [kworker/3:1H-kblockd]
root         799  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I<   12:50   0:00  _ [kworker/10:1H-kblockd]
root         802  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I<   12:50   0:00  _ [kworker/16:1H-kblockd]
root         813  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I<   12:50   0:00  _ [kworker/31:1H-kblockd]
root         900  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:50   0:00  _ [ccp-1-q2]
root         901  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:50   0:00  _ [ccp-1-q3]
root         902  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:50   0:00  _ [ccp-1-q4]
root         905  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:50   0:00  _ [ccp-2-q2]
root         906  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:50   0:00  _ [ccp-2-q3]
root         907  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:50   0:00  _ [ccp-2-q4]
root         929  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I<   12:50   0:00  _ [kworker/6:1H-kblockd]
root         934  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I<   12:50   0:00  _ [led_workqueue]
root         940  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I<   12:50   0:00  _ [cfg80211]
root        1011  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I<   12:50   0:00  _ [wil6210_wmi]
root        1012  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I<   12:50   0:00  _ [wil6210_service]
root        1016  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I<   12:50   0:00  _ [kworker/u257:1-hci0]
root        1021  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:50   0:00  _ [irq/80-wil6210]
root        1040  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I<   12:50   0:00  _ [ath10k_wq]
root        1041  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I<   12:50   0:00  _ [ath10k_aux_wq]
root        1042  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I<   12:50   0:00  _ [ath10k_tx_compl]
root        1043  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    12:50   0:00  _ [jbd2/sda2-8]
root        1044  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I<   12:50   0:00  _ [ext4-rsv-conver]
root        1297  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I    12:50   0:00  _ [kworker/4:3-events]
root        1995  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I    12:55   0:00  _ [kworker/9:0-mm_percpu_wq]
root        2123  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I    12:57   0:00  _ [kworker/22:0]
root        2240  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I    13:11   0:00  _ [kworker/10:0-events]
root        2243  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I    13:11   0:00  _ [kworker/1:0-events]
root        2244  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I    13:11   0:00  _ [kworker/31:1-events]
root        2246  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I    13:11   0:00  _ [kworker/6:0-ipv6_addrconf]
root        2274  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I    13:16   0:00  _ [kworker/u256:0-flush-253:0]
root        2275  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        I    13:16   0:00  _ [kworker/u256:1-events_unbound]
root           1  0.0  0.0 167744 12932 ?        Ss   12:49   0:01 /sbin/init
root         759  0.0  0.0  47844 16320 ?        S


Kernel version:

[root@srv ~]# uname -a
Linux srv 5.15.0-33-generic #34-Ubuntu SMP Wed May 18 13:34:26 UTC 2022 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

The post Software and technical overview of Ubuntu server 22.04 LTS first appeared on Any IT here? Help Me!.

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