Kde neon: kde’s own linux distribution brings the latest and greatest of kde with the simplicity of ubuntu

KDE Neon: KDE’s own Linux distribution brings the latest and greatest of KDE with the simplicity of Ubuntu

Recently, KDE neon‘s latest version based on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS officially Approved. Visually it will still be the same if you had KDE Neon installed, but with the latest Ubuntu LTS base.

Even if I’m not an experienced one WHERE As a user, I can say that KDE Neon has a lot of things to offer to impress an average user for their first impression.

In this article I give my impressions and an overview of KDE Neon in general, based on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS.

is KDE Neon? How is it different from Kubuntu?

KDE neon is an Ubuntu-based distribution with a KDE desktop. Of course, you’ve already figured out that part – but how does it differ from Ubuntu’s official KDE flavor? Kubuntu?

Interestingly, KDE Neon was announced by Jonathan Riddell (founder of Kubuntu) after he distributed by Canonical from Kubuntu.

If you want KDE on Ubuntu, both KDE Neon and Kubuntu should do the job. However, KDE Neon contains the latest and greatest of KDE (desktop environment and apps) as the official KDE team is working on the KDE Neon distribution.

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So KDE Neon is essentially the newest distribution for KDE users. Well, it should certainly be exciting to have the latest KDE stuff on top of Ubuntu 20.04 LTS.

Now that you know the main difference, I’ll start with my impressions on using KDE Neon (with Ubuntu 20.04 LTS).

KDE Neon rebased with Ubuntu 20.04 LTS: An Overview

It’s worth noting that this isn’t an in-depth test with benchmarks – but I found the experience pretty snappy.

The user interface is clean and the credits are going on KDE Plasma 5.19. You will find KDE Plasma 5.19.4 installed on it.

To manage your files, it comes with the Dolphin file manager which is pretty efficient for getting things done faster without mostly missing a feature.

” data-medium-file=”https://i1.wp.com/itsfoss.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/kde-neon-dolphin-file-manager.jpg?fit=300%2C189&ssl=1″ data-large-file=”https://i1.wp.com/itsfoss.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/kde-neon-dolphin-file-manager.jpg?fit=800%2C503&ssl=1″ loading=”lazy” width=”800″ height=”503″ src=”https://i1.wp.com/itsfoss.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/kde-neon-dolphin-file-manager.jpg?resize=800%2C503&ssl=1″ alt=”Kde Neon Dolphin file manager” class=”wp-image-82171 jetpack-lazy-image” data-recalc-dims=”1″ data-lazy- data-lazy-src=”http://a.codepre.com/s3/wp-content/uploads/sites/5/2021/12/kde-neon-dolphin-file-manager.jpg”>

So you shouldn’t have any problems with the files on your computer.


Likewise, VLC media player is built into KDE Neon – so you don’t need to install additional media codecs to play most videos.

In addition to VLC, several useful apps are preinstalled, which include a utility for taking screenshots, an emoji selector, a Firefox browser, a wallet manager, KDE connection and system process manager among others.

For the main highlight of KDE Neon, I was blown away with the customization options available and the easy-to-use interface. The ability to add panels, widgets, customize the window style, buttons, and a few other things definitely made me love it.

You also get a range of options to customize, from colors, to emojis, cursors, workspaces, and what not. I’m not a seasoned KDE user – but I would like to work on a video to customize a KDE desktop to the max. You can let me know in the comments if you’d like us to cover that.

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Of course, if you’ve been a long-time KDE user, this is a better way to determine what it does best when compared to other distributions.

You can also watch the video overview to learn more about KDE Neon Rebased with Ubuntu 20.04:

Wrap up

In conclusion, KDE Neon is a great choice for KDE fans. It’s also a good choice for distribution for ordinary desktop Linux users.

What do you think? Which of the KDE-based distributions do you prefer? Let us know your preference in the comment section.