How to update ubuntu

How to Update Ubuntu


A person may upgrade Ubuntu in two different manners:

  1. Using the command line.
  2. Use the Software Updater GUI tool, graphical tool.

Allow me to fill you in on the specifics. Please keep in mind that this guide applies to Ubuntu 20.04, 18.04, and many more versions of this operating system.


  • A person may still use the command line if wants to do so, but it’s not required and to beginners, not recommended as it requires professional level skills. The command-line method works better with Ubuntu-based Linux distributions such as Linux Mint, Linux Lite, and few others.
  • Graphical method is in comparison deemed easier even for beginners as it has fewer and easier steps to follow.


Updating the Ubuntu system is rather an easy task to perform. A person does not need to go to the terminal to update the system if he/she is running Ubuntu as a desktop mainly.


  • Go to ‘Activities’, in the menu and click on ‘Software Update’.

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  • The data of latest updates will now be retrieved by the program updater i.e., the program will itself look for the updates if available or not at the time.
  • If there are updates available, the system’s update will move to the next step.
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  • If there are new updates available, the system will provide the option of ‘Install Now’.
  • To commence downloading new updates, select ‘Install Now’.
  • The option of ‘Install Now’ is usually available if there are updates available at the time.
  • There is another option of ‘Remind Me Later’ if the person chooses to update the Ubuntu system later.
  • In some cases, in order for Ubuntu system to update, it may require password.

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  • Now allow the required time for the update to finish.
  • The amount of time could vary from few minutes to one hour and the time it takes to update the Ubuntu system is usually characterized on the person’s internet connection speed and systems setup as a whole.
  • One may require to restart the Ubuntu system in order for the downloaded updates to take effect immediately.
  • The person performing the task of update will be alerted, if there is a need for the system to reboot, at the completion of the update.

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  • Now, it’s time to click on ‘Restart Now’ to restart/reboot the operating system.
  • If a person does not desire to reboot the system immediately, as it requires the turning of the computer, he/she may choose ‘Restart Later’ as per choice.

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  • Look for updates once more following the restart to examine if any are yet waiting to be installed.
  • If there are no further updates available, then the Ubuntu system in the computer is updated.
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Above mentioned are the few steps that are need to be taken in order to update the installed Ubuntu operating system.


Another method of updating is using the command line method, following are the steps required to be taken in order to update the Ubuntu operating system in a computer. This method is a bit tricky but not that much.

Following are the steps that need to be taken in order to update Ubuntu through the Command Line Method.


  • The repository index must be updated in order for update to begin shortly.

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  • Let’s start by looking at the updates that are currently available for the Ubuntu system.
  • If the updates are available, the system will notify by mentioning ‘upgradable’.

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Once the updates are available, if you’re OK with the updates, go ahead and install them on the PC.

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  • After hitting the button to start the update, it is now time to download updates for kernel and other installed programs.

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  • After that the listing of packages that will be updated will be sent to you now.
  • To initiate the update, hit ‘Y’ and afterwards hit ‘Enter’.
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  • In this step, there is nothing that a person has to do, the system will do it itself.
  • Once the package updates have been obtained, the installation will begin updating them shortly.

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  • Allow some time for the system upgrade to finish.
  • The amount of time it takes to update your system is determined on the connected internet speed and system setup.

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  • Restart your computer after the packages have been installed.

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  • To check whether there are any updates that need to be installed, utilize the apt command.

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STEP 10:

  • If there are no further updates available, then the update is completed.

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  • Once the update is completed, the system will show you the following; How to update ubuntu 90


  • Bear in mind that, once a person executes the software updates, all of the programs downloaded through Ubuntu will also be fully updated. This implies that upgrading Ubuntu tends to update the core operating system of the computer as well.
  • Making a backup beforehand is recommended.
Karim buzdar

Karim Buzdar holds a degree in telecommunication engineering and holds several sysadmin certifications including CCNA RS, SCP, and ACE. As an IT engineer and technical author, he writes for various websites.

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