Categories: TutorialsUbuntu

How to See Google Chrome Extensions

Google does not develop chrome browser plugins and extensions. However, to use some additional applications in your chrome browser, you can add extensions. These extensions provide rich support to run web-based applications and through which we can access different features of other web tools in chrome such as grammarly, spell checking, ad blockers, etc. you can enable and disable these extensions after adding them to your Chrome browser for easiness. Most of the users even do not know yet how to access and install these extensions in Google Chrome on the Linux system.

We will show in this post how to see the google chrome extensions

in the Linux system.

Access Google Chrome Extensions

If you are using Linux distribution then, you need to install google chrome browser on your system. Using the following different ways, you can access Chrome extensions:

1. To access the google chrome extensions quickly, enter the following URL in the address bar:


The above URL displays the installed extensions in the chrome browser.


2. You can access the google chrome extensions from chrome settings. Click on the ‘three dots’ (chrome setting icon) and find the ‘More tools’. When you hover your mouse on the ‘More tools’ option, a list of more options will pop up. Click on the ‘Extensions’ to access the google chrome all installed extensions.

3. You can also view all installed extensions from the Chrome settings. When you click on the ‘Settings’, the following options will show in the chrome browser:


Click on the ‘Extensions’ to view the extensions.

To access directly the chrome web store, enter the following URL in the address bar of the google chrome browser:

Enter the extension name in the search bar that you want to search.

In this post, we have explored how to see chrome extensions. Using the chrome extensions, you can use the various features in your google chrome browser.

Karim Buzdar holds a degree in telecommunication engineering and holds several sysadmin certifications including CCNA RS, SCP, and ACE. As an IT engineer and technical author, he writes for various websites.

Ubuntu Server Admin

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