How to install rust programming language on ubuntu 20. 04

How to Install Rust Programming Language on Ubuntu 20.04

Rust is a popular, open-source high-level programming language that was developed in 2006. It is designed for high performance and reliability while emphasizing on the code’s safety. Rust’s syntax is similar to that of C++ and it is used to build a wide range of applications such as operating systems, game engines, browser components, and much more

Among the big tech giants that use Rust in their applications include Dropbox, Firefox, and Cloudflare. This guide will show you how to install Rust programming language on Ubuntu 20.04.

Step 1: Update system

First, let’s start by updating the system packages on Ubuntu 20.04. Execute the command:


sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y

Step 2: Download and Install Rust

Now we are ready to install Rust. Download the Rust installation script from the official site using the following curl command.

$ curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh

The command downloads a script and launches the rustup tool, which installs the latest stable version of Rust. The following screen with details about the rust installation will appear.

How to install rust programming language on ubuntu 20. 04 21

You will be prompted to choose an option in order to continue with the installation. Type 1 and press enter to proceed.

How to install rust programming language on ubuntu 20. 04 22

The complete installation should take around a minute. Once successfully completed, you will see the following output:

How to install rust programming language on ubuntu 20. 04 23

To confirm the successful installation of Rust, verify the version installed. Execute the command:

$ rustc --version

How to install rust programming language on ubuntu 20. 04 24

Keep in mind that you will need to activate the Rust environment for your current shell. To enable the rust environment, run:

$ source ~/.profile
$ source ~/.cargo/env

Testing the Rust Installation

We will run a simple hello world script to make sure rust is properly installed and configured on our machine.

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$ mkdir ~/projects
$ cd projects

First, create a new folder to store the rust sample file. Create a file and add

Now, create the file.

$ sudo nano

Then, append the following lines to the file:

fn main() {

 println!("Hello, World!");


Save the file. Thereafter, compile the rust file as shown:

$ rustc

After that, an executable file will be created.

Now run the file to view the output of your program.

$ ./hello

The output ‘Hello World’ will be displayed.

How to install rust programming language on ubuntu 20. 04 25

Rust is now successfully installed. You can now start developing programs using Rust language on your Ubuntu system.

Karim buzdar

Karim Buzdar holds a degree in telecommunication engineering and holds several sysadmin certifications including CCNA RS, SCP, and ACE. As an IT engineer and technical author, he writes for various websites.

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