Free command in linux

Free Command in Linux


free command is used to check the total amount of free space available with used memory and swap memory in your system.

This command is very necessary for Linux administrators when you want to install a large program. It saves time to check the capacity thereby making the installation process more smooth. We will show you how to use the free command through several examples as you go through below.

The syntax of free command

$ free [options]

Free command in linux 29


total: total installed memory

used: total used memory

free: free available memory

shared: memory used by tmpfs

buff: memory used by the OS kernel

cache: memory used to store temporary data

available: total available memory


-b output with unit bytes

$ free -b


Free command in linux 30

-k output with unit kilobytes

$ free -k

Output: Free command in linux 31

-m output with unit megabytes

$ free -m


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-g output with unit gigabytes

$ free -g


Free command in linux 33

-t more statistics on total memory capacity including swap space

$ free -t


Free command in linux 34

-s statistics with delay time appearing

For example, I want to make statistics every 3 seconds:

$ free -s3


Free command in linux 35


In this tutorial, we guided you on how to use the free command with some examples.

Thanks for reading!

Karim buzdar

Karim Buzdar holds a degree in telecommunication engineering and holds several sysadmin certifications including CCNA RS, SCP, and ACE. As an IT engineer and technical author, he writes for various websites.


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