Xfce4-terminal 0. 9. 2 development release

xfce4-terminal 0.9.2 development release

xfce4-terminal 0.9.2 development release

  A new xfce4-terminal development release is here, and this time it is special. This version serves also as the release candidate for xfce4-terminal 1.0.0. If you want to help keep xfce4-terminal bug-free, this is the time to test and report any bugs you find!

Table of Contents


  For this release I focused on fixing regressions and minor annoyances, so I have no fancy new features to write about in this post. Most improvements are related to accelerator-handling and most fixes related to UI/UX regressions (or accidental changes)
that were introduced in the transition to XfceGtkActionEntry. You can see the full list of changes in our wiki.


I want to thank Gael and Theo for bringing a lot of these issues to my attention.

Future plans

  If no major bugs are discovered, I will release xfce4-terminal 1.0.0 in a couple of weeks. After that I will focus on my long list of Thunar issues.

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