Thunar: image preview and hidden preferences

Thunar: Image Preview and Hidden Preferences

  Welcome back, it’s been a while!

Where have I been?

I haven’t had much time to actively contribute to Xfce in the past few months. Between mentoring Amrit for GSoC and completing my undegraduate thesis, I wasn’t able to write patches at my normal pace. Things have started to pick back up,
now that I’ve finished my undegraduate studies. I still won’t be able to work on Xfce as much as I used to. In addition to starting my Master’s degree, I have joined the AI Research Team of the University of Athens. Nonetheless, I will continue to maintain
Xfce Terminal and contribute to Thunar and other core Xfce components.


Now that this is out of the way, let’s talk Thunar!

Image Preview

  Thunar just got an image preview, hooray! Well, actually, Thunar now has two images previews. The user can select to use a standalone image preview pane, which also shows some details about the files (work in progress), or use
an image preview that is embedded in the left sidepane.

See also  A journey comes to an end

Embedded Image Preview.


Standalone Image Preview.

Eliminating Hidden Preferences

  In my previous blog post, I wrote about wanting to eliminate hidden preferences, which I consider bad design. I’ve been working on a solution for both Thunar and Xfce Terminal, that reuses code from the Xfce Settings Editor.
Instead of hiding preferences, all preferences that are considered secondary/niche, or don’t fit in the existing tabs of the Preferences Dialog, we moved them to a new tab.

Miscelaneous Preferences.

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