Ubuntu GNOME 15.10 is released
Wily Werewolf (15.10) Beta 2 Released
Wily Werewolf (15.10) Beta 1 Released
How to install QGIS 3 on Ubuntu
The last days I was asked a lot, how and where to install the new QGIS 3. Until now there are no Windows binaries available (as far as I know…). But you can install and run QGIS 3.0 on Linux. If you are running Ubuntu 17.10 (artful) or even 18.04 (bionic) (beware, it’s still alpha […]
The post How to install QGIS 3 on Ubuntu first appeared on GIS-Blog.com.
How to install ESA SNAP on Ubuntu Linux
Today, someone who wants to switch from Windows to Linux asked me if I could help him run ESA SNAP on Ubuntu. I thought it would be interesting for the blog, too. For those who don’t know: ESA SNAP (Sentinel Application Platform) is the common architecture for all Sentinel Toolboxes. There is no SNAP package […]
The post How to install ESA SNAP on Ubuntu Linux first appeared on GIS-Blog.com.
How to access your Linux based PostGIS database
Hey guys! Here is the next part about PostGIS running on Ubuntu and how to use it for your everyday work with GIS on your client computer. This can be the same computer your database is running on (here Ubuntu 16.04) or any remote PC with Linux or Windows… You don’t have a running PostGIS […]
The post How to access your Linux based PostGIS database first appeared on GIS-Blog.com.
How to install PostGIS 2.3 on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
Hey guys, today about the installation of PostGIS, an open source and OGC compliant spatial database extender for the PostgreSQL database management system. It is similar in functionality to ESRI ArcSDE, Oracle Spatial, DB2 spatial extender and something (SQL Server spatial…?)from Microsoft. It provides outstanding performance and functionality – for free! At this time the […]
The post How to install PostGIS 2.3 on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS first appeared on GIS-Blog.com.
OSGeo-Live: the best open source GIS ready to use package
GIS open-source? We often talk about QGis, GRASS, gvSIG and sometimes about GPSprune to edit GPX paths or JOSM to manage data from OpenStreetMap. But the software available under this type of license (open source & free software) is much wider. The live project OSGeo, is an operating system that collects most of this software and […]
The post OSGeo-Live: the best open source GIS ready to use package first appeared on GIS-Blog.com.